
Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

This is a list of religious organizations by faith.

As it can be a matter of debate as to whether an organization is, in fact, religious, organizations only appear on this list where the organization itself claims or has claimed to be a religious organization.

Christian organizations

source : me.me

Christian denominations

Christian organizations by denominational family affiliation

  • List of Seventh-day Adventist churches in New Zealand
  • List of Seventh-day Adventist periodicals
  • Media ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • List of Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities
  • List of Seventh-day Adventist secondary schools
  • List of Anglican dioceses
    • List of dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada
    • List of dioceses of the Episcopal Church, United States
  • List of Anglo-Catholic churches
  • List of colleges and seminaries affiliated with the Episcopal Church
  • List of Anglican devotional societies
  • List of Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland churches
    • List of Baptist schools in the United States
    • List of Baptist colleges and universities in the United Kingdom
    • List of Baptist colleges and universities in the United States
    • List of Baptist sub-denominations
  • List of Carthusian monasteries
  • List of Roman Catholic missions in Africa
  • Dioceses
    • List of Roman Catholic dioceses (alphabetical)
    • List of Roman Catholic dioceses (structured view)
    • List of Roman Catholic archdioceses
    • List of French dioceses in the 19th and 20th century
  • Congregations
    • List of Roman Catholic churches in the Diocese of Charleston
    • List of parishes in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno
    • List of parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu
    • Parishes of the Apostolic Exarchate for Ukrainians in Great Britain
    • Parishes of the Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia for the Ukrainians
  • Orders and societies
    • List of Ecclesial movements
      • Knights of Columbus
      • Knights of St. George
  • Schools
    • List of Roman Catholic seminaries
    • List of Eastern Catholic seminaries
    • List of Catholic Schools in the Philippines
    • Roman Catholic universities and colleges in the United States
    • List of independent Catholic schools in the United States
  • Other
    • American Catholic Philosophical Association
    • Catholic Biblical Federation
Church of the East
Eastern Orthodox
  • List of Eastern Orthodox dioceses and archdioceses
    • List of the dioceses of the Orthodox Church in America
  • Congregations
    • Orthodox parishes in the United States
      • Orthodox parishes in Alaska
      • Orthodox parishes in Hawaii
  • List of evangelical seminaries and theological colleges
  • List of Lutheran denominations
  • List of Lutheran dioceses and archdioceses
  • Nordic churches in London
  • List of ELCA seminaries
  • Seminaries of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
  • List of African Methodist Episcopal Churches
Oriental Orthodox
  • List of Coptic Orthodox Churches in the United States
  • List of Coptic Orthodox Churches in Canada
  • List of Eritrean Orthodox monasteries
  • List of Church of Scotland parishes
  • List of the largest Protestant churches of the world
  • List of Protestant mission societies in Africa
  • List of Friends schools
Reformed (Calvinist)
  • List of Calvinist educational institutions
Stone-Campbell movement
  • List of universities and colleges affiliated with the Churches of Christ
  • List of universities and colleges affiliated with the Christian churches and churches of Christ
Organizations of miscellaneous denominational families
  • List of Messianic Jewish organizations

Christian organizations by purpose

Bible societies

Congregations by country


  • List of Anglican dioceses
  • See List of religious organizations#Catholic
  • See List of religious organizations#Church of the East
  • List of Eastern Orthodox dioceses and archdioceses
  • List of Lutheran dioceses and archdioceses
  • See List of religious organizations#Oriental Orthodox

Christian media organizations

Mission organizations

  • List of Christian mission hospitals
  • List of SVD missions
  • List of Spanish missions
  • Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
  • Samaritan's Purse
  • Team Expansion
  • WEC International
  • World Vision United States
  • Youth With A Mission
  • Shelter Youth Hostel Ministries

Monasteries, abbeys, priories, and friaries

  • List of monasteries, abbeys, and priories

Christian orders and societies

Christian political organizations

Christian relief organizations

  • International
    • Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
    • Samaritan's Purse
    • World Relief
    • World Vision
    • The Salvation Army
    • Cross International
  • Hospitals
    • List of Christian mission hospitals
    • List of Christian hospitals in China

Christian schools and colleges

  • Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia
  • List of schools accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
  • List of SVD schools

Christian sports organizations

Christian trade unions and labor organizations

  • Christian Trade Union Federation of Germany
  • Christian Workers' Union
  • French Confederation of Christian Workers
  • Solidarity (South African trade union)
  • World Confederation of Labour
  • World Movement of Christian Workers
  • Young Christian Workers

Christian youth organizations

Miscellaneous Christian organizations

  • List of parachurch organizations
    • Christian Vegetarian Association
    • Society of Christian Philosophers
    • Promise Keepers

Islamic organizations

source : www.pinterest.com



  • Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami
  • Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh
  • Islami Oikya Jote
  • Islamic Foundation Bangladesh


  • Islamic Association of China


  • Muslim Brotherhood

Great Britain

  • Mosques & Imams National Advisory Board
  • Islamic Forum of Europe
  • Young Muslim Organisation
  • Muslim Council of Britain
  • British Muslim Forum
  • Islamic Society of Britain
  • Minhaj-ul-Quran UK
  • Muslim Association of Britain
  • Muslim Educational Trust
  • Muslim Parliament of Great Britain
  • Dawatul Islam
  • Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK
  • Sufi Muslim Council
  • UK Islamic Mission
  • World Islamic Mission

Hong Kong

  • Chinese Muslim Cultural and Fraternal Association
  • Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association
  • Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong
  • Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong)
  • United Muslims Association of Hong Kong


  • Islamic Association of Macau

West Bengal

  • Haqqani Anjuman


  • Jamaat-e-Islami Hind


  • Nahdlatul Ulama


  • Islamic International Foundation of Cooperation


  • Dawat-e-Islami
  • Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan
  • Tehreek-e-Khatme Nabuwwat
  • Minhaj-ul-Quran


  • Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura


  • Chinese Islamic Cultural and Educational Foundation
  • Chinese Muslim Association
  • Chinese Muslim Youth League
  • Taiwan Halal Integrity Development Association

Trinidad and Tobago

  • Anjuman Sunnat-ul-Jamaat Association

Jewish organizations

source : www.christianitytoday.com

Jewish organizations by purpose

Youth organizations

Buddhist organizations

source : www.culturefaith.com

  • Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship

Hindu organizations

source : www.pinterest.com

Pagan organizations

source : so4j.com

  • Ar nDraiocht Fein
  • Asatru
  • Church and School of Wicca
  • Church of All Worlds
  • Circle Sanctuary
  • Covenant of the Goddess
  • Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
  • Odinic Rite
  • Unitarian Earth Spirit Network

Rosicrucian organizations

source : colorlib.com

  • Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
  • Rosicrucian Fellowship

Sikhist organizations

source : www.pinterest.com

Theosophical organizations

source : colorlib.com

  • Theosophical Society Adyar
  • Theosophical Society Pasadena
  • Theosophical Society Point Loma-Covina
  • New Acropolis
  • United Lodge of Theosophists

Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist

  • International Council of Unitarians and Universalists
    • Australia and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association
    • Canadian Unitarian Council (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists)
    • Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft
    • European Unitarian Universalists
    • General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (Unitarian Christian Association; Unitarian Earth Spirit Network)
    • Unitarian Church of Transylvania
    • Unitarian Universalist Association (Church of the Larger Fellowship; Church of the Younger Fellowship; Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans))
    • Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
    • Meadville Lombard Theological School
    • Starr King School for the Ministry
    • Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute
    • Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship
    • Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
    • National Church of Iceland (In contact organization)
  • American Unitarian Conference
  • Christian Universalist Association
  • The Unitarian Christian Emerging Church

Organizations of miscellaneous religions

  • Church of the Creator
  • Church of Satan
  • Church of Spiritual Humanism
  • Creativity
  • High Council of B'nei Noah
  • Never Ending Gardens
  • John Templeton Foundation
  • Temple of Set
  • Universal Life Church
  • World Pantheist Movement

Organizations of miscellaneous Asian religions

  • Avatar Meher Baba Trust
  • Sri Viswa Viznana Vidya Adhyatmika Peetham

Interreligious organizations

  • Association for Consciousness Exploration
  • Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy
  • The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
  • Berkeley Psychic Institute
  • Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
  • Interfaith Worker Justice
  • International Council for Inter-Religious Cooperation
  • National African Religion Congress
  • Partners for Sacred Places
  • Sea of Faith
  • Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture
  • World Congress of Ethnic Religions
  • The World Peace Prayer Society

Inter-Abrahamic organizations

  • The Coexistence Trust
  • Faith & Values Media
  • Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

See also

  • List of religions and spiritual traditions
  • Major religious groups

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