
Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

In the Book of Mormon, there are numerous prophets mentioned. Here, the prophets included are the people who inherited the plates of Nephi and who otherwise are called prophets within the text. Also included are the high priests mentioned and the missionaries.

In the Plates of Nephi

The following prophets are those mentioned in the plates of Nephi (1 Nephi through Omni).

  • Lehi
  • Nephi
  • Jacob
  • Enos
  • Jarom
  • Omni
  • Amaron
  • Chemish
  • Abinadom
  • Amaleki

In the Plates of Mormon and Moroni

The following prophets are those mentioned in Mormon's abridgement of the large plates of Nephi (Mosiah through Moroni, excluding Ether).

  • King Benjamin
  • Mosiah
  • Ammon ?
  • Abinadi
  • Alma the Elder
  • Alma the Younger
  • Sons of Mosiah ?
    • Aaron
    • Ammon
    • Omner
    • Himni
  • Amulek
  • Zeezrom ?
  • Helaman
  • Shiblon
  • Helaman II
  • Nephi
  • Lehi
  • Samuel the Lamanite
  • Disciples of Christ
    • Nephi
    • Timothy
    • Nephi, son of Nephi the Disciple
    • Jonas, the son of Nephi
    • Mathoni
    • Mathonihah
    • Kumen
    • Kumenonhi
    • Jeremiah
    • Shemnon
    • Jonas
    • Zedekiah
    • Isaiah
  • Amos
  • Amos II
  • Ammaron
  • Mormon
  • Moroni

In the Plates of Ether

  • Mahonri Moriancumer, the brother of Jared
  • Ether

See also

  • Book of Mormon
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Further reading

  • General, Authorities (1995), Heroes from the Book of Mormon, Bookcraft, ISBN 0884949966 


External links

  • List of Book of Mormon prophets
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