
Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

Greatest Hit...and More is a greatest hits album released by Jive Records. After Reel Big Fish was dropped from the label, Jive Records released this album. Jive owns all of Reel Big Fish's music excluding the album Everything Sucks and all material released after 2006, starting with their live album.

Reel Big Fish's live album was released only 3 months prior to Greatest Hit...and More and the band has said that Jive Records only released this CD to try to detract sales from their live album. It is not supported by the band themselves. Lead Singer Aaron Barrett urged fans not to buy it stating in part "To my absolute horror i realized that they did a really awful re-mastering job and made all the music sound like CRAP!! it sounds like somebody went in and cranked up the low end and now the bass and kick drum are obnoxiously loud ... Also, it sounds like they put a ton of compression on everything and now there are no dynamics!"

Track listing


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