
Senin, 31 Juli 2017

The Defence Centre of Training Support (DCTS) is a United Kingdom MOD unit headquartered at Kermode Hall at RAF Halton near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, England.

an id="History">History

source : www.psotc.org

The DCTS was established on 1 October 2003 and it absorbed the Royal Navy's School of Education and Training, the Army School of Training Support and those elements of RAF Halton that had previously been the RAF's Training and Development Support Unit.


source : bootcampmilitaryfitnessinstitute.com

The DCTS is responsible for training military instructors and training managers, e-learning support services to the MOD, computer-based training production and video production.


source : www.smi-online.co.uk

The Defence Centre of Training Support's headquarters at RAF Halton contain the Specialist Training and Consultancy Group, Technology Based Training Group and the Instructional Training Group (ITG). ITG also have a supporting element at HMS Nelson in Portsmouth, England. DCTS is part of the MoD's Directorate General Training and Education.

Specialist Training and Consultancy Group (ST&CG)

ST&CG (also referred to as STG) has two main roles; training consultancy and specialist training delivery. The group offers a variety of courses to support those involved in specialist training roles within Defence.

Instructional Training Group (ITG)

ITG runs courses with the aim of training instructors in the military.

Learning Technologies Group (LT)

LT is a group of several departments with expertise in the use of technology within military training. It is the home of the Defence Learning Portal (DLP), Research and Development (R&D) but no longer Digital Media Group (DMG). The DLP is a delivery mechanism for military eLearning for the MOD in its entirety, and is managed within LT. R&D provides consultancy and training in eLearning in addition to research projects into how developing technologies can be applied to military training. DMG used to create video and media for both promotional and instructional purposes.

External links

source : en.wikipedia.org

  • RAF Halton
  • MoD website

source : manualzz.com

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